MMV #013: Why Your Bullpens Suck and How to Fix it

Mar 27, 2023



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Read time: 2 minutes


How many times have you seen a pitcher step on the mound without any idea what they want to work on?


The purpose of bullpens is to prepare you for the game.


If you are going to get the most out of bullpens, there needs to be a clear direction.


The main reasons your bullpens suck are:

  • You don’t have a plan
  • You don’t stick to your plan
  • You try to do too many things at once


Back in 2016, I heard Reds pitching coach Derek Johnson talk at Pitch-A-Palooza.


Here’s what he said:


"You have to clearly define what your plan and focus is in your bullpen."


You are either:


Over the rubber


Over the plate


Over the rubber is internal.


Things like:

  • Mechanics
  • Pitch design
  • Pre-pitch routine


You are focused on what is happening on the mound, not the result of the pitch.


Over the plate is external.


Things like:

  • Simulated batters
  • Differential balls
  • Calling balls and strikes


You are focused on the result of the pitch, not what is happening over the rubber.


You can bucket anything you do in a bullpen into these two categories.


The problem is players don’t clearly decide what their focus is.


If you are over the rubber and working on something in your delivery, you can’t also be focused on dotting your slider at the knees.


On the flip side, you can’t be trying to execute an 0-2 slider down and in, while also trying to work on your loading pattern.


You can be over the rubber and over the plate in the same bullpen, BUT it needs to be split up into two sets.


Or you can be over the rubber during plyo work and over the plate during the pen.


There are many ways to go about this, but now that you understand the concept, you can get creative.



  • Create a plan
  • Are you over the rubber or over the plate?
  • Focus on one thing at a time


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Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you are looking for something more hands on, I'd recommend starting with one of our affordable services:

→ 1:1 Coaching: Schedule a call and we'll help you design player development plans, bullpen templates, and answer any pitching development questions you have.

→ Mechanical AnalysisWe'll analyze your delivery with 20 checkpoints and give you an actionable plan to improve.

2. Join 10,000+ followers for daily threads and tweets on pitching development.


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