MMV #026: Master your Pre-Game Bullpen in 3 Steps

Jun 26, 2023


We are happy to announce that we are now offering remote training.


How it works:

  • Phone call to go over goals and to discuss program
  • 3 part assessment
    • Movement
    • Strength
    • Pitching
  • First month of program is given
    • Throwing
    • Lifting and conditioning
    • Nutrition (weight gain or loss)
  • Weekly texts/calls with video feedback of drills and exercises
  • Monthly phone call or zoom to go over previous month and to talk about what the next phase will focus on


*This is for pitchers that are committed to reaching their potential on the mound.*


Schedule a call here to learn how to get started.



Read time: 2 minutes


What you do before the game could determine the outcome of your performance.


A pre-game bullpen routine should prepare you for the game.


Today, we are going to breakdown step by step what a good pre-game bullpen looks like.


Let's dive in.


Step 1: Get Feel for the Slope


Start your bullpen with 4-6 fastballs right down the middle.


Your focus should be on moving well and getting comfortable on the slope.


This doesn't need to be max effort, but you should start increasing your intensity throughout the session.


Step 2: Start Mixing Your Off-Speed


Start getting feel for your breaking ball(s) and changeup.


This can be done in a blocked format.


What this means is you throw consecutive pitches of the same pitch type before moving onto the next.


You then can move onto a more randomized approach towards the end.


Example plan:

FB x4

CH x3

FB x1

CB x3

FB x1

CH x1

CB x1

FB x1

CH x1

CB x1

FB x1

(18 pitches)


Step 3: Simulate the First 2 Batters of the Game


Now that you have feel for your pitches, it’s time to simulate the first 2 batters of the game.


Have a batter or dummy in the box and throw a 3-4 pitch sequence.


This should be as game like as possible. Up the intensity and treat it like the game.


You can make it more game like by having the catcher call pitches and simulate holding runners.


Additional pre-game bullpen notes:


  • At least half your pitches should be out of the stretch
  • Keep pitch count between 20-25
  • Use your pre-pitch routine




Step 1: Get feel for the slope

Step 2: Start mixing your off-speed

Step 3: Simulate the first 2 batters of the game


That's all for this this week.


See you next Monday!



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways we can help you:

1. Join 15,000+ followers for daily threads and tweets on pitching development.

2. If you are looking for something more hands on, we'd recommend one of our pitching development services.

→ Remote Training: a personalized training plan to help you become the best pitcher you can be.

→ Mechanical Analysis: We'll analyze your delivery with 21 checkpoints and give you an actionable plan to improve.


Pitching Coach "U"

The Monday Mound Visit

Teaching coaches how to develop the complete pitcher. Actionable advice delivered to your inbox every Monday.

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