MMV #057: 3 Sweeper Grips for Crazy Movement
Jan 29, 2024
Read time: 3 minutes
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Now, for this week's newsletter:
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Today I want to walk through 3 sweeper grips.
A sweeper is a type of slider that generates more horizontal movement and is typically a little bit slower.
This is not the same as a slurve. A slurve will have a blend of negative vertical break and horizontal movement.
Sweepers do not have much, if any negative vertical break, but are primarily moving horizontally.
What allows players to generate this movement without a low arm slot is seam shifted wake.
When the seams are oriented correctly the ball will move sharper and different from what is expected out of the hand.
In order to accomplish this, you have to throw a 2 seam oriented slider.
If you throw a 4 seam oriented slider, the only way you will get high horizontal movement without a lot of depth is if you throw from a low slot and create pure side spin.
When throwing a sweeper you want to think about releasing down and through the bottom right corner of the ball (or left corner if you're left handed).
You don't want to get around this pitch or in front of the ball too much like a curveball.
BUT, these might be cues you have to use in order to get your hand in the right position.
I recommend using dot balls when throwing the sweeper.
Click here for where to place the dots.
If you are right handed, the dot should be spinning in the bottom right corner and the bottom left corner if you are left handed.
Now that you know how the ball should be spinning, you can experiment with different grips and cues until you achieve the correct spin.
Let's dive into the grips.
Grip #1 - Inside Horseshoe
Grip #2 - Outside horseshoe
Grip #3 - Split 2 Seam
If you are having a difficult time getting through the corner of the ball at release, try spiking the index finger.
This will make it easier to get more side and top spin.
All of these grips can work.
It comes down to which one is the most comfortable and achieves the movement you are looking for.
Something worth noting is that sweepers aren't for everyone.
For some of you it will be extremely challenging to achieve the right spin and movement regardless of the grip.
Understand that this could lead to compensations and potentially an injury if you try to force it.
Also, understand how this pitch plays with the rest of your arsenal and if it is the right pitch for you.
As always, reach out with any questions.
I am always happy to help.
See you next week!
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