Before you worry about your mechanics, read this:
Jan 27, 2025
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Often times, when a pitcher is struggling to throw strikes they think it is because of their mechanics.
While this can be true in some cases, I don't recommend this being the focus in a game setting.
When you are struggling to throw strikes in a game you want to stay external with your focus. Once you start shifting your focus internally (get into back leg more, stay closed, etc.) it can be easy to distract yourself from what matters most in that moment.
Not to mention, in a game setting you will have a difficult time actually changing your mechanics positively.
Instead of focusing on mechanics, I have a much simpler adjustment.
Change your target.
If I am consistently missing arm side with my fastball and I am aiming glove side, than I need to exaggerate my target even more to the glove side.
If I am trying to throw a curveball for a strike and I keep spiking it, my target is obviously too low. Instead of aiming for the glove I might need to aim for the catcher's mask or even the umpire's mask.
When you notice you are missing consistently in one direction, make an extreme adjustment in the opposite direction. From there you can fine tune what your target needs to be.
The last thing you want to do is continue to aim in the same spot and expect a different result.
The most successful pitchers are the ones that can make adjustments the quickest.
Today's tip is very simple, but can be a game changer.
That's all for today.
See you next week!
Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Remote Training: a personalized throwing and lifting program built for you and your goals.
2. In-Person Training: Work with me in Phoenix, Arizona. Personalized training program to help you reach your goals. Trackman and edgertronic for bullpen sessions.
3. Pitch Design "U" Course: A complete blueprint for developing nasty pitches and optimizing how you use your stuff. 3+ hours of easy to follow video lessons.
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